Keeping Kids Mentally Healthy During Covid-19 Shutdown

  • By 7019343869
  • 26 Apr, 2020

Parents & Caregivers Search for Ways to Keep Their Kids Happy & Safe 

Parents across the globe are struggling with grasping this new world we are living in.  Watching the news, mentally and physically preparing to go the grocery store, searching for masks, has become our new daily routine.  What about our children?  How has this effected their physical and mental state now, and the future?  Parents want the best for their children always.  Especially in a time of uncertainness. 

Thankfully, there are things we as parents and caregivers can do to soften the blow for our children during this pandemic.

Establish a schedule to include school & other activities.  Break down their day into small time increments.  60-90 minutes depending upon their age.  Set timers so there is a beginning and an end.  Schedule chores as well as playtime or free time.

We are living in a new world with Covid-19, but thankfully our world has Facebook, Facetime, Skype, & Zoom.  Set up a time the kids can see and interact with their grandparents or favorite family members.  Schedule a virtual playdate with their friends.  Make social connections a part of their daily routine.  “This more assertive contact with loved ones can be a positive outcome of these isolation steps we have to take,” said clinical psychologist John Mayer.

Even as adults, we can all struggle with how to communicate our fears and anxieties.  Learn how your child communicates best.  Making a relaxed atmosphere can help children communicate.  Ask questions like "I'm sorry you cannot go to school and see your friends right now.  How do you think we can keep in touch with them?"  Try asking questions while doing art projects, during family games or a long drive.  When children do communicate their fears or anxiety, listen to them and validate their feelings.  Give them answers to the fears.  "Scientist and doctors from all over the world are working very hard to come up with a vaccine so we can all be safe from the virus." 

Physical activity is essential during stressful times.  Haven't we all gone for a run or pumped a little iron to let off steam? 
Exercise stimulates the production of endorphins, chemicals in the brain that are the body's natural painkillers and mood elevators, it also lowers the stress hormones of adrenal and cortisol.  Being in a state of play or activity can help with the brain as well, strengthening both the prefrontal cortex (which is involved in executive functioning) and the hippocampus (which plays a key role in memory and learning). In this way, physical activity supports our ability to think creatively, make decisions, focus and retrieve key information.  Many places are offering virtual classes.  Find your child's local gymnastics, karate or dance studio and see if they are offering virtual classes.  If the kids participated at these businesses before the pandemic, this will allow them to see their familiar coaches.  Most students create a great relationship and bond with their sport coaches and seeing them on the screen and doing physical activity along with them can allow the children to feel connected to their "normal" life again.

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