NO OPEN GYM Feb. 17th President's Day
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday @10:30am
Visit to purchase 5 open gym passes & get 1 free!
Open to the public!
Trained coaches or staff members will be present during open gym to provide guidance,
ensure safety, and answer any questions you may have.
$5 for walking age to 17yrs.
*all children must be accompanied by an adult in the gym. Adults are not charged fee.*
• Participants under the age of 13 must be directly supervised by a parent or guardian.
• Adults should not use equipment. Adults are encouraged to play & interact with their child(ren) but are not allowed on equipment.
• Open gym should be used to practice new skills. It is not a lesson.
• Any participant causing disruption will be asked to leave without a refund.
• No food, gum or drinks are allowed in the gym area.
• Olympia staff may restrict any skill or use of equipment if they feel that it’s unsafe.
• Only 1 person should be on trampoline at a time.
• Participants should not attempt any skills that they have not been safely prepared to perform.
• Personal items should be left in cubbies. Leave cell phones, money or property in cubbies at your own discretion. Olympia Gymnastics is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
• Olympia Gymnastics is a children's facility. There must be no vandalism, profanity, misuse of equipment, fighting, yelling, hitting or horseplay of any kind.
• Be aware of other participants that may be tumbling or dismounting around you.
• Air Pad Safety Rules are posted & must be followed.
• If rules are not followed, you will be asked to leave without refund.
• Do not use equipment if you are above 150lbs.
Parents Are Responsible for their child during Open Gym.
Rules of Open Gym, Trampoline & AirPad are displayed throughout the gym
Waivers are signed upon arriving for Open Gym. Please Read!